This week we read all about the garments and rituals of the Kohanim (Priests) in our Torah portion Tetzaveh. The form of worship that the Kohanim performed was a sensuous experience. The last ten verses of Tetzaveh deal with the idea of burning incense as a form of service/worship to G-d. Rambam-The Great,12th century Rabbi and Philosopher, explains rationalistically that the burning of the incense created a pleasant odor which brought about a contemplative frame of mind that was conducive to spirituality.
Today we have replaced offerings and sacrifices with prayer, we have changed from the sensual to the intellectual. How do we recreate the effect that was originally produced by the ketoret? (Incense) Instead of inhaling the rei’ach (fragrance) of the incense in our service of G-d today, we rely on the ruach (Wind, spirit) that comes out of our mouths in our prayers to G-d.
We transform the Rei’ach (fragrance) of the incense into the Ruach (wind, spirit) of our mouths when we read the final ten verses of Parshat Tetzaveh dealing with incense plus the Talmudic discussion from Tractate Kereisot (6a) on the incense every day in the morning prayers. We study this section of Talmud every day as a means of Torah study. The offering of the Ketoret (Incense) is not only intellectualized by transforming it into prayer but also by transforming into Torah learning. The fragrance of incense is likened to Hevel Torah- the breath that is exhaled by those who are engaged in the study of Torah.
Our sages teach us that in the case of a person who studies Torah, it is as if they have offered sacrifices. According to the Reshit Chochmah (book of Kabbalah, ethics and morality written by 16th century Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas) just as the fragrance that arose from the incense was pleasing to G-d and evoked G-d’s mercy, so too does Hevel Torah (The breath of those who are engaged in Torah study) make the laws fragrant and brings about G-d’s mercy. Just as the smoke arose from the altar, Torah study elevates the soul.
Shabbat Shalom, Cantor Diamond
CANDLE LIGHTING Friday, February 11th at 5:06 PM
HAVDALAH Saturday, February 12th at 6:07 PM
CLICK HERE to check for upcoming events and services.
Friday Kabbalat Service (In Person & Live Streamed) at 8:00 PM Saturday Drash at 9:00 AM on (In Person) Shabbat Service at 9:45 AM (In Person & Live Streamed)
Marc Miller requests a minyan on Monday, February 14th at 8:00 a.m on Zoom. He has yahrzeit for his mother, Mildred (Mimi) Miller. CLICK HERE to join.
As a community, we pray for those in need of healing. May they be granted a Refuah Sheleimah - a complete and speedy recovery.
Ruben Feldstein Cathy Gabel Ilyse Leibowitz Warren Siegel Edward Steinman
If there is someone's name that you wish to add or we need to remove, please let us know.