This week is Shabbat Hagadol. What is Shabbat Hagadol? It is the last Shabbat before Pesach, the Great Shabbat. Why is it called that?
1) On this Shabbat the Israelites were commanded to take and sacrifice a lamb in preparation for the Exodus of Egypt. It is important to keep in mind that the Egyptians worshipped the lamb as one of their gods. It was a daunting task to be a slave and take the god of your masters and bring it into your home for a sacrifice. Through the faith of the Israelites they were able to do this Mitzvah. Hagadol-it was a great event.
2) It also gets its name from the Haftarah this week from the prophet Malachi. Malachi speaks about the future redemption at the end of the Haftarah when the prophet Elijah will come and announce the great day is coming which will bring reconciliation between children and their parents.
Shabbat comes every single week, Pesach comes once a year, it is a symbol of our freedom. When asked the question which day is more exciting Shabbat or Pesach? Most would answer Pesach because it is once a year. So perhaps this Shabbat is here to teach us that Shabbat is gadol, Shabbat is the greater day. The enthusiasm you show for Pesach, show it for Shabbat. Never take for granted the Shabbat that comes every single week. Let’s think about this in our own lives, who do we get more excited to see?
The long lost cousin or aunt or uncle who comes once a year or our spouse? How do we greet them? Shabbat Hagdol teaches us this lesson. We have Pesach coming and it certainly is a time to be excited. ok…No, Shabbat Hagadol. Shabbat is the great one, celebrate it and don’t ever take Shabbat for granted. Use that lesson to apply to the people in your life, you have the people in your life that are the gadol, they are the people that are the Shabbat in your lives, the ones that go with you every single week, week in and week out. Don’t ever take them for granted, don’t turn them aside.
Kabbalat Shabbat at 8:00 PM (In Person & Live Streamed)
Nosh & Drash at 9:00 AM on (In Person)
Shabbat Service at 9:45 AM (In Person & Live Streamed) Bat Mitzvah - Lila Goldman Thank you to Lauri & Jonathan Goldman and sister, Arielle for sponsoring Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush in honor of Lila's Bat Mitzvah.
As a community, we pray for those in need of healing. May they be granted a Refuah Sheleimah - a complete and speedy recovery.
Savannah Ambrosecchio Glen Blackman Judith Feldman Roy Friedenthal Rivanna Hyman Steven Nachbar Ed Hoffman Donald Lindberg Warren Siegel
If there is someone's name that you wish to add or we need to remove, please let us know.
We will be participating in the Celebrate Israel parade Sunday, May 22 in New York City.
Please contact Iris Astrof at or call (516) 835-6428, if you know you are planning to join us. Bus transportation will be available.
More help needed for Ukraine
The response to our request for items for Ukraine relief was overwhelming! Thank you to all who brought in supplies and a special thank you to Fran and Mark Rosen who not only brought all of it to the Ukrainian church but also sorted and packed all the items.
Right now, what is needed most is money for transporting supplies. Checks can be made out to the Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church and sent to the church at 225 4th St., Lindenhurst 11757.
Thank you for your support
Iris Astrof Chair, Social Action Committee
Congregation Beth Ohr Sisterhood THEATRE GROUP Enrollment for 2022 Season For more details, pleaseCLICK HERE Join us for THREE Matinees!