MINYAN REQUEST AT 8:00 PM ON ZOOM Les Scherer requests a minyan on Wednesday, June 8th. He has yahrzeit for his father. Howard. CLICK HERE to join minyan
As a community, we pray for those in need of healing. May they be granted a Refuah Sheleimah - a complete and speedy recovery.
Glen Blackman Judith Feldman Roy Friedenthal Ed Hoffman Gail Kanner Joshua Kanner Donald Lindberg Steven Nachbar Bradley Spitz Eddie Steinman
If there is someone's name that you wish to add or we need to remove, please let us know.
Mazal Tov to the Hey Class of 2022 on their graduation.
Thank you to Fran Gusoff for sponsoring kiddush on Saturday, June 5th in honor of her birthday.
Thank you to the Men’s Club, Cynthia Jacobson, Ellen Agulnick, and Joe Weisbord sponsoring the Shavuot dinner and kiddush.
Mazal Tov to Bernie and Rochelle Goodry on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jared.
If you have any upcoming celebrations or milestones, please let us know and we will be happy to place this in the next blast.
CLICK HERE to register for the Saturday Night Meal.
If you wish to say Words of Gratitude or Farewell to Rabbi Bernstein during the Kiddush, please indicate so when you register in the "Notes" section.