Dear CBO Family
My fingers reluctantly type this final Shabbat blast. Nothing can fully sum up my time at CBO. It's not possible. The individual moments, the change, the growth, both personal and communal are astounding. This is where I learned to be a rabbi. Rabbinical School taught me how to teach and immersed me in our rich tradition, but it was our staff, our lay leaders, and our members who taught me how to "rabbi" a congregation. You have been a gift in my life.
So in a moment like this, where should we turn? We turn to Torah. Our Torah portion is Shelach, the story of the meraglim, the scouts who went to investigate the Land of Israel. The word meraglim shares the same letters as ragil (usual) and regel (legs). The scouts embody the intersection of movement/change and continuity. They are scouting out new territory and they are representing their individual tribes so that each tribe can have faith and feel connected to the next steps.
Eight of the ten err too heavily on the side of regel (legs/change). They become alarmists saying that life will be so different and scary that it's not worth it. "We should turn back," they said. Two of the ten learned to incorporate continuity to the moment and assure the people that they should indeed go up and move forward with their lives.
It is understandable to have reluctance when faced with new challenges, yet we look to what is unwavering when we need to be steadied. We can allow our fear to overcome us, but we each need to reach down deep to know that change is inevitable yet we can be agents and participants holding onto values that are constant.
As I move on with my next steps and the shul welcomes new leadership, we are reminded that while life moves and shifts, we must remain dedicated to the much larger ideas, to Jewish continuity, dedication to community, and Torah study. These must remain strong on the South Shore of Long Island. Each of you plays a part in bringing the sort of change and continuity that is necessary for life to flourish here.
I hope that I was a steadying and nourishing presence for you in your journey through the midbar, the wilderness. May we all go from strength to strength.
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CELEBRATIONS & GRATITUDE Good luck to Rabbi Bernstein on her future journey. Thank you to Lauren Lefkowitz, Jackie Brecher and their committee for coordinating and to Robin and Michael Rabinowitz for their contribution towards the luncheon.
Mazal tov to Charles and Sherry Solon on the marriage of their son, Ian to Gillian Schwartz.
Congratulations to the class of 2022. Best of luck in your new adventures.
Happy Birthday Wishes to: Cantor Diamond, Joe Weisbord, Jordan Belferder & Joyce Mandel