“Then Beelam set out on his journey back home and Balak also went his way.” This is how the story of Balak and Beelam ends in our Torah portion this week. What is remarkable is how after spending so much time trying to curse the Israelite people, when they are unsuccessful after three attempts, each man goes his own way. Yet, what is even more fascinating about this is the fact that Beelam was able to have a connection with G-d and nothing came of it after this episode . Beelam is able to speak with G-d; he is able to speak with a donkey after G-d allows the donkey to speak, and he sees an angel of the Lord. Beelam not only is able to speak the word of G-d like a prophet but he has the spirit of G-d put on him before he utters the famous words of Ma Tovu. After all of this one would think that Beelam would become a deeply devout man and perhaps come to follow G-d’s ways since he was able to have such a deep connection with G-d. However Beelam remains unaffected from everything he went through. Why? Our sages tell us that G-d’s word can only affect people who are willing to change. If we are not open to G-d’s wishes and we are closed off the way Beelam was then we will not be affected by G-d and we will continue to feel spiritually dead inside since we are not willing to change.
We must make a constant effort in our lives to connect with G-d so we can be open to G-d’s words and the power they possess. It can be small things, like saying Motzi before eating bread, lighting Shabbat candles on Friday night, thanking G-d when we wake up in the morning.
All of these things help keep us open and allow us to be affected when we encounter the words of G-d. As people we are constantly growing and changing in our lives, our spiritual selves should have the opportunity to grow and change as well. May we all do our best to be less closed off and more open to each other and to our spiritual selves so we can connect deeper with G-d.
Shabbat Shalom Cantor Diamond
FRIDAY Kabbalat Service - 8:00 PM (In Person & Live Streamed) Candle Lighting - 8:05 PM
SATURDAY Nosh & Drash - Balak -- 9:00 AM (In Person) Shabbat Service - 9:45 AM - (In Person & Live Streamed)