CLICK HERE to check the schedule for High Holiday Services and upcoming events
MINYAN REQUEST Mitchell Gaines is requesting a minyan on Sunday, October 2nd at 8:00 PM on Zoom. He has yahrzeit for his brother, Scott. CLICK HERE to join
CELEBRATIONS & GRATITUDE We would like to wish Jamie Diamond and Michele Glodzik wonderful birthday wishes.
Thank you to Mitchell Gaines for sponsoring Oneg on Friday, September 30th in memory of his brother, Scott.
Thank you to the Belferder family for sponsing Kiddush, Saturday, October 1st.
As a community, we pray for those in need of healing. May they be granted a Refuah Sheleimah - a complete and speedy recovery.
Glen Blackman Judith Feldman Roy Friedenthal Ed Hoffman Gail Kanner Joshua Kanner Donald Lindberg Steven Nachbar Arthur Seewald Bradley Spitz Eddie Steinman
If there is someone's name that you wish to add or remove, please contact the office.
Attention Broadway Theater Lovers Tickets are available through the Sisterhood Theater Group to “A Beautiful Noise” The Neil Diamond story Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 2pm $153 Theater Group Members $173 Non Theater Group Members Transportation will NOT be provided. For more information email Sherry Skolnik at OR Leave a message on her cell phone at 516-313-1605