Hello, fellow Hazakniks,
As the pandemic and its new variant influence our decisions, I wanted to keep you informed of Hazak's activities and plans. I hope you are all well, vaccinated, and following the CDC guidelines so that when this umglik is finally defeated we can all get together face to face again.
Game Days: (These dates are all Mondays at 1:30 pm)
Oct. 4, 18; Nov. 1, 15, 29; Dec. 13, 27; Jan. 10, 24; Feb. 7, 14;
Mar. 7, 21; Apr. 4, 25; May 9, 23; Jun. 13, 27.
Programs - Until further notice, all programs will be offered through ZOOM.
We are considering what to do for our annual Pre-Thanksgiving/Pre-Chanukkah Party under the present conditions, and will inform our members as soon as we finalize the plans.
There are a number of members who do not have email capability. If you know of anyone, it would be a mitzvah for you to notify them of our plans.
Our next ZOOM program, "Zero Mostel," presented by John Kenrick, takes place on Tuesday. Aug. 24, 2021, at 1:30 pm. Registration is necessary. Several additional programs have been arranged and dates and descriptions will be sent out soon.
Trips - Under the present conditions, we are reluctant to contain a group of people on a bus or to enter a facility with many other people, so we are holding off for a while.
Membership - Most of our members have renewed for 2021-2022. If you haven't sent in your dues ($36/non-CBO member; $25/CBO member), please do so. If you need another membership form, call me at (516) 221-2056, or just send in your check and I'll update last year's form.
A Pandemic Distraction - During these isolated times, we all look for things to brighten our days , eg ZOOM programs, TV show, books, crossword, Sudoku and other puzzles. I found a favorite of mine from many years ago - jigsaw puzzles! I hesitantly started and much to my surprise found great satisfaction, and I jumped in heavily. My enjoyment led me to do a bit of research and I found that doing jigsaw puzzles is very beneficial for seniors, It has been shown to improve memory and basic functions, and it provides exercise for fingers and minds, and offers a sense of accomplishment. It leads me to ask if anyone would be interested in a "Jigsaw Club" in which people would exchange puzzles. Let me know if it appeals to you.
Kudos - The success of our organization depends on the work of a number of people who are committed to our goals and I would like to recognize them:
- Lucy Safir works tirelessly to bring a variety of interesting, educational,
and entertaining programs to our members. - Phyllis Capp's creative and informative flyers are a wonderful attraction.
- May Massa handles our Sunshine Committee sending out birthday and anniversary cards.
- Artie Hecht makes our Game Days more effective with distribution of game supplies and refreshments.
- A number of members have been asked to make calls for us and they have helped us get our messages out to everyone. They are Ruth Greene, Anita Graber, Mildred Becker and Laura Miller.
- Laura, Michelle, and Cynthia in the CBO office have given great support in all our endeavors.
Thank you to you all!
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (516) 221-2056 or Lucy at (516) 221-4107.
Stay safe and well, and I look forward to seeing you all on ZOOM and, hopefully, in person soon.